

作为bet365中文大学的大元帅, 我的工作是确保毕业典礼周末活动顺利进行. 我希望这些活动能让你成为我们的毕业生. 我想要这些事件, 哪些自然地充满了盛况和传统, to bring you honor and to make good and pleasant memories for you and your family. When you clearly understand your important role in weekend activities and when you play that role well, the weekend can be an extremely pleasant high point in your educational journey. 另一方面, 对于迟到的毕业生, 谁不恰当地佩戴了他们的徽章, 或者不知道该走哪,该做什么, 周末会带来很大的压力, 失望, 或尴尬. This website is to help you, the bet365中文大学 graduate have a wonderful and pleasant weekend. 你可以找到完整的时间表 在这里.

The first rule of success is "First - You Have to Show Up" Know w在这里 you need to be, 当你需要的时候, 还有你该穿什么. 这些细节在每个毕业周末都略有不同. Another thing to remember is to eat breakfast to avoid feeling faint or ill during the services.


标记是指学术帽、长袍和兜帽. For men, the regalia is always worn over a dress shirt and tie with dark trousers and shoes. For women, the regalia is always worn over a dark semi-formal attire with dark shoes

如果有标准的平砂浆板式毕业帽, 检查瓶盖内部,看看哪个部分被标记在前面. Though it may look like t在这里 is no difference, it fits best and looks best when worn properly. It is surprising to see how many graduates wear their caps backwards. 如果你的博士帽比较软, it too has a front and back that you should identify so that you can wear it properly. 一定要把流苏挂在帽子的左前角上.

如果你的毕业礼服因为被装在盒子里而皱巴巴的, 最好把它挂起来,轻轻地蒸一下. 如果你想把皱纹熨平,一定要非常小心. Use low heat because some gowns are made from flimsy material that melt quite easily. 

学术服饰包括在长袍外面戴的兜帽. 兜帽罩在你的头上,挂在你的长袍后面. 注意,引擎盖上有一个 丝绒带 沿着引擎盖接触你脖子的部分. The hood is oriented properly when the velvet is closest to your chin and the border of black material and colored trim (if present) are below the velvet. 在毕业典礼上, you will have help arranging the material that hangs down the back to properly display the university colors of blue and gold. 博士候选人除外, 毕业周末的所有主要活动都要戴上兜帽.e. 安息日早上的学士学位仪式, 以及周五晚上和周日早上的毕业典礼. Doctoral candidates will carry their robe over their left arm as they march in the commencement service processional. 当他们的名字被叫到的时候, they will present their hood to their major professor who will do the hooding (see the videos).

请注意奖章(比如Phi Kappa Phi), 荣誉证书和文化证书荣誉证书由 bet365中文大学学术机构只允许添加 敬学术王权. 不得携带俱乐部颁发的奖章或证书. No other ornamentation can be added and flowers can not  be worn or carried in the academic procession. This is an bet365中文大学 graduation celebration with academic regalia and not a time to promote or recognize non-academic causes or events. Your sincere and enthusiastic cooperation is expected and greatly appreciated. Don't be offended if you are asked to remove non-academic additions to regalia.


To find your place in line, show up at least 20 or 30 minutes before the start of each event. 迟到了,你可能不被允许入场. This is especially important for the commencement or graduation service because your place in line is critical (see "Finding Your Place in Line" below). 对于所有其他的仪式,行军的顺序就不那么重要了. 法警助理会帮助你,并告诉你何时进入. 当你走上红毯的时候, note the distance to the graduates in front of you and try to maintain that same distance as you follow at a normal pace. 

毕业生率先入场, always led by the Assistant Marshal (a faculty member carrying the university mace) who will indicate which row you are to sit in. 为毕业典礼服务, faculty in full regalia march in next and are followed by the President's Party. 

For the Baccalaureate Services held on Sabbath morning in Pioneer Memorial Church, line up on the sidewalk in front of Lamson Hall (east side facing the Administration Building). 穿着盛装. 没有行军命令. 研究生s will process into the church in two rows: the left row will sit on the left side of the church, and the right row will sit on the right side of the church (hint: if you want to sit next to someone during the church service, 他们应该在你的前面或后面).

所有毕业典礼服务, line up on the sidewalk on the west side of the Howard Performing Arts Center (closest to JN Andrews Boulevard) or in the hallway adjacent to House Right if it rains. 

为毕业典礼服务 on Friday evening and Sunday morning, the lineup is highly regulated. Your marching order will be determined by the degree level within your college.

  1. Obtain your name card from the table with your school and level listed. 每个学校每层的柱子旁都有桌子. 你的信息会贴在公告牌上.
  2. Take your name card and go to the sign poles on the sidewalk on the west side of the Howard Performing Arts Center. Sign poles will display college, degree level, and alpha section (e.g. A-E). Line up single file behind your listing being careful not to flow into the next group behind you. 在你的特定群体中没有阿尔法秩序.

毕业队伍进入礼堂 , 确保你一直带着你的名片. 除了你自己的牌不要拿任何牌. 在毕业典礼上一直拿着这张卡片. Bring the name card with you when you come up to the platform to be greeted by your dean and the president. YOU WILL HAND THIS CARD TO THE READER AT THE PODIUM WHO WILL READ YOUR NAME AND ANY DISTINCTIONS SO DO NOT LOSE IT.

入场时要听从元帅助理的指挥. 从现在开始,一切都会很顺利. 享受服务. 

戴上你的毕业帽吧. Men should remove their cap for prayer following the lead of the platform party.

在毕业典礼上, Marshal's Assistants will get you to the right place at the right time. 按照他们的指示去做. 

Official photographers will take excellent pictures of your graduation. Ask your parents and friends to stay in their seats so as not to block the view of others.


毕业生们跟随助理元帅游行. After exiting the Howard Center keep walking away from the entrance to let the others out too. Tell your family and friends to meet you on the front lawn for photos after the service.

主要是玩得开心. 今天是你的好日子. 我们祝贺你成为毕业生. Following the conferral of degrees by the president, you are now a proud alum of bet365中文大学.

Congratulations and may God bless you as you use your skills to serve others.


Dr. 金伯利费雷拉